What’s Going On Around Five Stones Church Online?

For A Time Such As This…

So the BIG question is, “What’s going on?” It’s a really simple answer; “God’s still got this!”

So now that we’ve handled that situation, let’s get to what’s most important – YOU. How are you? No, we really mean it; “How are you?” It’s okay to NOT be okay. We feel like we have to be indestructible in our faith, for our spouse, for our kids, for our friends and oddly enough, for social media. But guess what? It’s okay to NOT be okay. At least for a little while, but then it’s time to get back in the game.

This past week while Facetiming with our 13 year old son, Max who has Down syndrome, he asked to sing “Raise A Hallelujah“. So while it’s playing on my phone and we’re worshipping on the computer the reality of what’s going down smacked me in the face. I began weeping. Not sniffles, but weeping. Max sweetly asked, “Why you cry?” I said, “Because I’m happy that God loves us.” He grinned. That was THE BEST church service I’ve ever attended.

Leah and I are here to love you through prayer, sharing God’s promises, and telling you the truth. We have zero agenda but to show you the love of Christ that He has shown us. We want to share today’s message as it was placed on my heart in prayer this week. We know it’s relevant to your current situation because God gave it to be shared with you.

Click for Your Special Word 

Wilderness Season

Throughout March I’ve been sharing messages about Into The Wild. Each message shares what God says about our times in the wilderness. Everyone goes through these times. Moses did, David did and Jesus surely did. These times just like we’re in now are not meant to punish you but to prepare you for what God has for you.

I struggled so bad after retiring from law enforcement to serve God. But, as soon as I left my career for what I thought was a crystal clear direction, my life turned dark and muddy. I thought God was punishing me and had abandoned me. The reality then, just like now for you – God was breaking off all of the excess and chains from my past.

He could not elevate me as long as I clung to old habits, passions and toxic relationships. God is renewing his Bride for His beloved son, Jesus! My pastor, Adam McCain and I have dug so deep into how we each came through such times in the wilderness to see God’s blessings.

Bearing Fruit

We’ve written a book together called; Favored Not Forgotten and it shares our experiences and God’s direct Word for you. I’m not trying to sell the book to you, but I do want you to sign up for the free emails that share what we’ve learned and keep you up to date as we approach our September 8, 2020 release date. AND, we’ll be looking for folks to read our work before it ever releases so we can get honest feedback.

I need you to help out by signing up for the free emails. JOIN OUR TEAM and know that you are Favored Not Forgotten!

Connected = Protected

God loves unity, so is it any wonder why satan is working so hard to isolate us into our own homes and heads? You have to make the effort to connect, otherwise you will find yourself alone even in a houseful of people.

I’m hosting regular Zoom meetings where up to 100 people can connect to pray, worship and connect. The best place to get in on these live connection points is by joining our church community at Five Stones Church Online

This is Long

Yeah, you’re right, but honestly, God has slowed the pace of your life so you can choose to stop being distracted by the chaos of life and start paying attention when He speaks into your life. Now is one of those times. Don’t waste this once in history opportunity to thrive like never before!!!

Give us the HONOR of getting to know you – We’ll keep in touch

We LOVE you,

Scott & Leah Silverii

Five Stones Church Online

Five Stones Church Online Bulletin for 3-29-2020


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