Author Archives

Dr. Scott Silverii

Christ follower, husband, dad, author and retired chief of police discovering the amazing side of a servant's life.

The basis for a right relationship

In my years of ministry, I have been with numerous people as they left this life to enter into eternity. None have called for their accountant or their bankbooks. They only call for their family members, friends, and their God. At the end of life we all realize the only thing that really matters is our relationships. Ultimately, the most important is the relationship we have with our God. God created a special garden He called Eden, and placed the first man []

TPD To Participate In Third Global Police Tweet-A-Thon

Join us at @ThibodauxPolice on #poltwt

Be an Oak

It was around 1981-1982 that I decided to quit my job and pursue the full-time ministry of an Evangelist. I had been taught by my Pastor that you never make major changes without prayer and fasting. I had a wife and two children at this time (my youngest was not yet born), and making this decision was serious because it would affect their lives greatly. I had to know it was God directing me.   I took a few days off from []

Not a Police Tactic

I was once asked if this picture showed a tactic for launching officers into a crowd. I shook my head then smiled – “No” was all I said. But wouldn’t it be cool?