
I’m Fat – Week 2 & Joined by

Blessed by a New Partnership I posted this just 2 weeks ago for motivating myself to regain healthy habits, encourage others to join in by setting their own goals for holistic health, and creating a forum for sensible information and accountability. Last week, I spoke with John Marx at who offered to partner. They provide fantastic practical information ranging from health to spiritual survival. Our plan is to post every Monday. I will give you a brief update of my progress, []

I’m Fat – Week 1

Sunday’s initial post took a bit of courage to hit “publish.” It’s out there with zero regrets. Seems there are many others willing to team up for health’s sake. I’m thankful for you sharing your challenges and goals. Don’t leave us out here alone. Welcome weekly support from diet, nutrition, exercise and stress reduction team members. Contact me at to help Here’s to holding each other accountable when the couch looks inviting and the snacks endless. Week 1 recap; Weight – 222 lbs []

I’m Fat

I weighed a super healthy 180 lbs the day I was sworn in as the Chief of Police. One year later, I was at 225 lbs. Sound familiar? Granted, that first year as Chief also included my last year of a PhD program. Still, having dropped from a 260lbs powerlifter to a 180lbs triathlete (very recreational) showed I had the ability. Christmas morning 2011, I hit the scale, and it hit back with a reading of 225 lbs. I stepped off determined to drop at least 20 lbs by my []