
Men And Church: We’ve Made Both Disposable

Our hopes, dreams, value and personal footprint becomes easily blown away, and thus we become disposable.


Pride is not always conscious arrogance. Mostly it’s subconscious self-sufficiency.
It’s when we cease walking in our own strength that we follow Christ.

God’s Army Is Looking For Brothers Just Like You

It’s easy and comfortable to force friendships from acquaintances, but God is calling His army together just as He assembled for King David’s rule.

Who’s In Your 5? Naming Names and Why It’s Important?

A study showed that the number of close friends in 1985 was 3, while by 2004 it was zero. The number of people without any close friends in 1985 was 36%, and in 2004 it was 53.4%.

It’s Good To Be A Good Man

What makes us a good man, or a better man than who we were, is our pursuit of the example of the best man. Our Father is the ultimate alpha male.

Fighting Fit and Fully Faithful

This is satan giving us an impossible laundry list of things we can’t do without Christ. We’re looking for a way around Jesus. Focus on Christ, and He’ll take care of the rest.