
FIT@50 \ week 4

FIT@50 \ week 4: 1 hour – I was feeling a bit omniscient this week as my 25th year in law enforcement roared around. Sharing a few old stories with the guys helped me reflect on how incredibly different my life had turned out. Our historical journey migrated to a generational generalization. You know the one about, “kids now a days…” Seems the moment 8 hours of accrued leave is earned, some employees miraculously become ill for precisely 8 hours. Just then []

The basis for a right relationship

In my years of ministry, I have been with numerous people as they left this life to enter into eternity. None have called for their accountant or their bankbooks. They only call for their family members, friends, and their God. At the end of life we all realize the only thing that really matters is our relationships. Ultimately, the most important is the relationship we have with our God. God created a special garden He called Eden, and placed the first man []

Be an Oak

It was around 1981-1982 that I decided to quit my job and pursue the full-time ministry of an Evangelist. I had been taught by my Pastor that you never make major changes without prayer and fasting. I had a wife and two children at this time (my youngest was not yet born), and making this decision was serious because it would affect their lives greatly. I had to know it was God directing me.   I took a few days off from []

Who is Calling the Shots?

The greatest battleground in your life is between your ears. Scripture clearly states that as a man thinks, so is he. The Apostle Paul wrote that the way to transform your life and find God’s perfect will is to transform your thinking to God’s way. (Romans 12:1-2) Our right choices allow His Holy Spirit to transform our hearts and make us a child of God. This is what scripture calls “born again”. It is clear that the battle between Good and Evil []

Get out of the boat

They immediately followed him, leaving the boat and their father behind. Matthew 4:22 Something about the comfort and safety of the boat makes it hard to leave! After Noah had floated in the ark for months, God caused the floodwaters to recede and directed Noah and his family to leave their haven of refuge. Surely Noah wondered what it would be like outside the ark. Peter, too, knew the safety of the boat. But one day Jesus challenged him to leave the known []

City on a Hill | Day of Prayer

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; – Matthew 5:14 It was a humbling presence to pray for our law enforcement and military on Thibodaux’s courthouse steps. The representation of spiritual leaders, prayer warriors and praise partners gathered to pray for our nation, state and city illustrates that God is Not Dead – He’s roaring like a LION in the City of Thibodaux – Our city on a hill.