
RESPECT – You Have It, Men Need It

How incredible do you think Jesus felt to hear his Father show love, affirmation and respect?

What Five Kings Must You Kill?

Joshua was the man on a mission. God’s mission. His obedience and teachable spirit allowed him to walk in God’s will as he experienced victory after victory.

FIT@50 / week 69

FIT@50 / week 69 Price of Pizza: This week while in Paris, Liliana Hart and I took off on the city in a series of pedicab driven adventures. To say the experience was anything less than epic would be an understatement.   But at what price?   I’m always talking with her and our kids about situational awareness. The boys think it’s funny, while the girls think I’m trying to make the junior high boys afraid of them (maybe both.)   After []

Are you pregnant?

Are you pregnant? I thought what a crazy question to ask a man. Are you pregnant with greatness? Oh, not that kinda pregnant. With greatness? I never thought about it. How many of us are actually pregnant with greatness? Unfortunately, we fear change. Therefore, we do anything we can to avoid giving birth to this potential. An odd analogy? Not really. Change is often accompanied by uncomfort, if even for a brief season. The transition into motherhood requires many changes leading up []