
RESPECT – You Have It, Men Need It

How incredible do you think Jesus felt to hear his Father show love, affirmation and respect?

Methodist Church Makes Stand | Will It Fall?

What are your thoughts about this? Has the United Methodist Church messed up by not changing with the times to remain culturally relevant?

8 Acts Of Chivalry To Bring Back

8 Acts Of Chivalry To Bring Back James Michael Sama / February 1, 2014 The more women I talk to, the more I realize that the gentleman is a rare breed. The mission of the New Chivalry Movement is to bring men (and women) together who strive to be the best versions of themselves and love and respect those around them. As the gentleman has become less prominent, so have the respectful acts that define him. Here are 8 acts of chivalry we often overlook and should []