
From Social Ghost to Holy Ghost: Surviving Police Retirement

Life was falling apart and all I could do was crumble atop the people closest to me. My wife and kids were dodging emotional boulders, and ducking away from tumbling personality projectiles.

Men And Church: We’ve Made Both Disposable

Our hopes, dreams, value and personal footprint becomes easily blown away, and thus we become disposable.

Your Level Of Sin Depends On Where You Sit In The Church

Maybe it’s because I’ve also spent the last many years with church bodies that look like everyone just crawled off of the battlefield, and were praising God for the chance to get right back out there to fight for others.

Why Sitting In Church Is Bad For Men

Staff men’s ministries with volunteers of actual men who’ve messed up more in life than leaving a dog-eared copy of the latest men’s grooming magazine on the counter.

Profiles In Personal Pain: Which One Are You?

What’s really eating away at you? Are regrets consuming your thoughts so you’re forced to shut them down? Can you sit in []

Sex Strikes And Bullying: Why It’s Great For America

Unless you’re married, you should be on a sex strike, or as everyone else in the world calls it; chastity. By no longer having unwed intercourse…